IoT security threats are a significant issue for any organization that uses devices to communicate with each other. They can lead to data breaches and compromise the security of sensitive information, such as personal and financial data. Malware attacks are one of the most common IoT security threats. They target internet-connected devices that aren’t typically updated with regular security patches.
1. Malware
Malware is any software that disrupts a computer, server, client, or computer network; leaks private information; steals data; or prevents access to systems. IoT devices are vulnerable to malware because they typically have little processing power and lack security measures. Botnet attacks are one of the most common forms of IoT malware. These cyberattacks involve hijacking a large number of IoT devices and using them to send thousands of requests per second, which overwhelm a target’s system. Another type of IoT malware is a denial-of-service attack (DoS). These cyberattacks use a flood of fake traffic to disrupt a targeted website or service. Cybercriminals can also use IoT devices to spy on other people and collect their personal data. This could be for nefarious purposes such as industrial espionage or competitive intelligence. It can also be used to blackmail or extort IoT users. This can be done through advanced social engineering techniques, such as email phishing and faked video footage.
2. DDoS Attacks
DDoS attacks are a form of distributed denial of service attack that targets network resources and bandwidth. They can be simple or sophisticated, and they often involve hundreds or thousands of coordinated devices that send fake traffic to a target server or website. DDoS threats have been around for years, but they are becoming more and more savvy every day. They’re a threat to businesses of all sizes, and they’re not going away. Botnets have been a key part of these attacks, especially in 2016 when the Mirai malware was released. It enabled hackers to turn unsecured baby monitors, smart TVs, and other IoT devices into zombie networks that launched DDoS attacks on domain name system (DNS) provider Dyn. Hackers are also increasingly using IoT-connected systems as a means to amplify and skirt current DDoS defenses, says Kijewski. For example, botnets have been found to use parking meters belonging to gas stations and banks, business PBX servers, and other internet-connected devices as a way to attack their targets.
3. Ransomware
Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts files on a computer and then demands payment to release them. This type of malware is a popular attack method used by criminals. It’s important to note that IoT devices are vulnerable to ransomware because they don’t have the same security mechanisms as more traditional machines and computers. In addition, they often aren’t updated to the latest operating systems, software, and other hardware. To prevent this, organizations need to segment data and critical networks from IoT devices, monitor their network traffic, and update passwords. By following these precautions, organizations can reduce their risk of becoming a victim of an IoT ransomware attack. In 2015, a report from Symantec warned that hackers would likely shift their attention to IoT devices as they became more commonplace. The research showed that attackers could hijack a smart lock or thermostat, a medical IoT device, or a city’s gas and electricity distribution network.
4. Hacking
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides a wide range of benefits for businesses, governments and the private sector. However, the increase in data transmission between devices increases the potential for threats to attack networks and cause financial damage. IoT security is a complex issue that requires a holistic approach to cybersecurity. In addition to securing the devices themselves, companies also need to ensure their software applications and network connections are secure. Hackers often use compromised IoT devices in man-in-the-middle attacks, where they intercept sensitive data as it is being sent or received. This information can be used for fraud, identity theft and cyberattacks. IoT devices often become vulnerable to hacking due to insecure default settings or infrequent software updates. Whether these vulnerabilities are caused by user negligence or hardware insecurities, they can allow hackers to take control of devices and access critical business information.